Metal & High Heels

2020 fashion with Lindsay Hearts | Metal & High Heels Podcast 71


When Lindsay Hearts‘ publicist reached out to us about interviewing her about her fashion brand Foxblood, we were in a bit of a shock. What would an L.A.-based designer have in common with Metal & High Heels? – Well, only all of our values!

Foxblood is a 100% female-owned and operated fashion company founded by Lindsay that produces high-quality, ethically produced, vegan- and cruelty-free clothes that rock as hard as her taste in music. Furthermore, these clothes – which look as great at the office as at a Metal festival – ship in environmentally friendly packaging and the company supports LGBTQIA+-organizations and the Black Lives Matter movement.

We had a fantastic conversation with Lindsay about her start in fashion by styling big names in Metal (STEEL PANTHER, ARCH ENEMY’s Alyssa White-Gluz, among others), her design process and the products available in Foxblood‘s online store, and the effect of the COVID-19 pandemic had on her fashion line for 2020.

Rick Krusky